I haven't written anything here in a long, long time. I've been very busy lately, it's true, but I've also been either going out to see friends or nerding out with World of Warcraft. Also, drinking too much. It's a slippery rabbit hole, my friends, and I've got at least one leg sunk well deep in it.
Nonetheless, I have been doing a few wholesome and worthwhile things lately as well; I bought a bike, for instance. I've been riding it to work when the weather is dry, and riding it through Golden Gate Park on weekends (Did you know that you can ride a bike right through the Broadway Tunnel if you stick to the sidewalk? Well you can). San Francisco's a famously bike-friendly city, it's true, which is why so many people who ride bikes here have really, really good locks. Thinking that there are a lot of bike-riders in this city shouldn't give you the impression that the roads are smooth though - they are decidedly not, in general - but there is an awareness of the biker's presence among the car drivers here that is both very pleasant and novel (to me). People actually watch out for you here. They know you have as much right to the road as they do and they let you have your space. It's the best.

The Cricket, my loyal and steadfast motorcycle, has been sitting down on the sidewalk below my window, woefully ignored by me*. Every time I walk by her I feel a pang of guilt. She rode me through a wonderful, occasionally harrowing trip. I promised her the world when we got to where we were going, and I've let her down. There is a motorcycle shop not two blocks from my house, and I intend to take her there and get her spruced up, but I've been trying to allocate funds to smooth over some of the debt I incurred on my way out here. So Cricket sits, sad and dirty, victim of the slow pace of America's economy and my own lax attitudes toward motorized conveyances of late. I'll get her back in shape soon though. I have to.
I've been spending a great deal of time near the water lately. Mostly as a result of the boat I'm helping to build (the Plastiki), but also because I've been doing a little sailing with my old friend Mike Rose. We've rented a boat together and plan on taking it around the bay and beyond in the months ahead. Note: it gets fucking cold out there.

Halima and I have been slowly discovering our new city; the surface layer of restaurants and stores, the slightly deeper layer of its people and personalities, its ephemeral past. I suppose that our course here will make itself more evident as time wears on, but for now we are just enjoying everything about San Francisco we thought we would. Spontaneous brass band performances on BART trips, well attended free Lindy Swing dance lessons in Golden Gate Park on Sundays, historical brass plates on the sidewalk denoting where San Francisco used to be (and not be), quirky book stores, stunning restaurants, balmy weather (mostly). It's everything we thought it would be.
Ok. More later.

* But not by the parking cops, unfortunately. I got a $100 ticket on her for parking on the sidewalk. Here's a tip - if you need to park your bike on the sidewalk in San Francisco, put the cover on it and lock the cover on. If the cops can't get to you VIN, they can't properly identify your bike. If they can't identify your bike they can't say for sure how long it's been somewhere, so they can't give you a ticket for anything (and the junkies can't get to your spark plugs easily either). For informational purposes only, of course.
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